If I am being honest, I do not particularly enjoy keeping up with the news. It's not because the news is boring or unimportant, but it is because it usually fills me with righteous anger or sadness. Sometimes I feel stuck, like I cannot do much besides vote in order to change anything. That is why for a long time I did not keep up with the news. I am from Philadelphia which right now, like every other big city at the moment, is filled with crime like never before. It makes me feel scared and uneasy in my own city. Despite these things, I know how important it is to stay informed so that we can learn about the world around us, stay safe, and form an educated opinion on current issues. Here is where I get the majority of my news:
1. Instagram/Snapchat : I use Instagram to follow a variety of accounts so that I can be exposed to different types of news. I follow political accounts, environmental accounts, and even accounts that fill me in on Hollywood news. I know that social media is not the most reliable form of news, but I use the platform less for factual information and more for just general exposure to different types of news and what everyone is talking about now. On Snapchat, you don't particularly follow specific accounts but are rather exposed to different news channels on your explore page. Through this, I am exposed to a variety of news stories that younger audiences are talking about which inspires me to look further into that topic to learn more. I also enjoy that Snapchat often utilizes personal stories and experiences related to a current issue so that you can hear a real-time perspective. For example, when Roe v. Wade was overturned, many women who were both pro-life and pro-choice stepped out on the platform to share their authentic stories related to the issue which I very much enjoyed having the opportunity to listen to both sides.
2. Google News: This source may seem simple, but I love it. I normally take a story I hear on social media or one I overhear while my mom is watching the news and search it on Google News. Or I will even just take a keyword that is buzzing around and type it in and see what happens. I love the variety and the vast amount of results you will get just by typing in a single word.
3. The Telegraph: The Telegraph is published in London. I check this news source from time to time because I think it is important to not only look at the news from the American perspective. Sometimes the content feels a bit irrelevant, but I especially like to check this source for more international issues to get a European perspective. I also think it is cool that it was founded in 1855 because they must be doing something right to stay in business that long!
4. AP News : This is a source I found through a good friend of mine. One day I said to her, "I hate how biased every article I read is; I feel like I cannot get the facts!" She suggested to me to check out her favorite source of news... AP News. She told me she loved it because it wasn't left or right leaning, for Republicans or Democrats, but it was the most unbiased and fact-based news site she ever came across. Ever since then I have enjoyed exploring AP News.
5. Fox News: While I try my best to stay neutral and form opinions on issues individually, I grew up hearing Fox News and in a conservative home. I like to use Fox News just to see what people who lean more right are saying about issues. I always make sure to fact check as I know biased news is not always reliable. However, I do like to read about the conservative perspective on certain issues.
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